Rules for VEELA

Important notice:  The intellectual property (IP) of participants' study is not transferred to the challenge organizers, Thus, if code is shared/submitted, the participants remain the owners of their code. When the code is made publicly available, an appropriate license should be added.

Please read the rules carefully. These rules were created to keep the challenge fair. Any e-mails that include the same question(s) on this page will not be replied. Thanks for your comprehension.

  1. Due to ethical regulations about the dataset, the participants are requested to join the challenge with their true information. Name of a corresponding person, the valid information about the university/institution, country, and department must be indicated. Anonymous and/or Incomplete registrations will not be accepted.
  2. The data is licensed under  Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International. The data can be used for developing segmentation algorithms as well as other educational purposes. Any commercial use of data is forbidden.
  3. Participants must cite to data DOI and related papers (which is being prepared) in their scientific works (articles, conference papers, posters, thesis, reports, etc.) if they used some or all of the data provided.
  4. All participants have to provide a simple supplementary PDF file during submission. The file should be understandable, and compact. The team members, contact information, and a brief description of the algorithm should be included in the file. If your algorithm has been previously published in a journal, you may just put a link inside the method section. If your system is open source, it is recommended to provide the link to the code. (Such as Github or Gitlab repository.)
  5. Participants have full responsibility for ownership of their algorithms. Any improper usage of someone else's algorithm is charged to the participants.
  6. Since VEELA is an open challenge around the world, all evaluated results will be published on the leaderboard regardless of the score. There is no option for privately sharing evaluation results.
  7. There is no option to make modifications on the leaderboard such as removing lower scores and keeping only higher ones.
  8. All individual teams have to use a single unique name. Any submission coming from the same teams with different nicknames will be removed from the leaderboard.
  9. Anyone who registers for this challenge, and who downloads/uses some or all of the data in these sets is considered to have read and accepted all the rules and notices mentioned above.